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La Terapia del Contrasto

Contrast therapy, a method of alternating between hot and cold exposures, has demonstrated significant beneficial effects on recovery and overall well-being. This technique is based on cycles of vasoconstriction and vasodilation induced by opposing temperatures. When immersed in a cold bath, the blood vessels constrict, reducing inflammation. On the other hand, immersion in a Sauna causes blood vessels to dilate, thereby increasing blood flow and facilitating the arrival of nutrients and elimination of toxins.

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Blog Posts

HubermanLab - Deliberate cold exposure for health and performance

Deliberate cold exposure can be a powerful tool for enhancing mental health, physical performance, and metabolism. Gradual progression is crucial, and protocols must be safe. Benefits include improved mental resilience, increased metabolism, reduced inflammation, and enhanced post-exercise recovery. Timing of cold exposure during the day is important to avoid disrupting sleep. Specific protocols can be followed to maximize the different benefits of deliberate cold exposure.

How Using a Sauna Helps You Tolerate High Temperatures and Heatwaves

As temperatures soar during heatwaves, finding ways to stay cool and comfortable becomes a priority. Surprisingly, regular sauna use might be the key to better enduring these extreme temperatures. While saunas are traditionally associated with relaxation and detoxification, emerging research suggests that they offer a unique form of heat acclimation, preparing your body to handle high temperatures more efficiently. In this blog post, we'll explore how using a sauna can help you tolerate heatwaves and the additional benefits it offers.

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